Mag. Gabriela Schildbach, managing director

Since 1999, Gabriela Schildbach has been dedicated to the crucial topics of personality and career development at CoachingYou® (preparation for hearings and applications), optimisation processes plus employee management in companies, as well as mental support for family and professional requirements. The institute‘s sporting projects to support tournament golfers, marathon runners and equestrian sports (Austrian Federal Association) have made the participants extremely successful. Gabriela and her team train in: management consulting, psychological life and social counseling, mental training, mediation and conflict management, sexual counseling, couples counseling, supervision, course and group management, philosophical counseling
Member of the WKO / specialist group for personal counselling, the Austrian Federal Association for Mediation (ÖBM), the Austrian Society for Sex Research (ÖGS), the Academic Philosophical Practitioner (KAPP), diploma WIFI trainer, diploma mental and intuition trainer, registered mediator at the Federal Ministry of Justice , life and social counselor (MBA 22-G-R 8105/04), in the expert pool of the WKO for 1st mediation, 2nd stress and burnout prevention and 3rd supervision, trained in couple and sexual counseling (Steigls), psychotherapist. Propädeutikum (ÖAGG), specialist examination in sociology, economics (Vienna University), certified medical assistant and laboratory assistant (Ärztekammer Bln.) Pharmacist. Speaker (Pharmig), certified adult educator (wba) lecturer for life counseling and social counseling and philosophical practitioners (ZA-LSB:193.0/2010)
Kay Schildbach, MSc

Diploma. Life and social counselor, coach.
Every successful man needs his coach. Whether for private or professional decisions, an exchange of ideas ensures success.
Some topics are simply easier to talk from men to men.
Mag. Ilijana Schäffer, MBA

Mentor and co-trainer
Life and social counselor in training under supervision
Couple and family counselor
Dipl. systemic coach
Certified professional for requirement engineering
Certified senior process manager
"Ilijana Schäffer has been working for an international company for over 17 years, where she is responsible for an innovative, customer-centric area as a team leader.
After completing her master's degree in Slavic Studies at the University of Vienna, she completed a Master of Business Administration at the UACS with distinction and published her research internationally with a focus on organisational culture and employee motivation.
Ilijana's focus as a coach is personal counseling, as well as couple and family counseling, which she offers in German, English and Bulgarian."
Beate Assinger, Mag jur

Beate Assinger sees her vocation in supporting human beings in their development. She brings 20 years of international professional experience in the area of human resources with her, which she has gained in various team roles and as a team leader. She is especially passionate about personal and personnel development, of teams and individuals. Beate works in German and English language.
Mag iur
MSc Coaching and organisation development
Personnel developer (Wifi)
Psychological counselor
Dipl.-Ing. Monika Ryglewska, M.A.
Monika Ryglewska's strengths are versatility, languages and openness. After studying mechanical engineering, she completed a master's degree in international relations in order to broaden her horizons and get to know other areas. She has been working for international corporations in the areas of consulting and management for many years. As a CY® mental trainer and CY® sex counselor, her focus is both personal coaching and sex counseling, and she offers this not only in German, but also in English, Polish and Swedish.